Alpha Chi Omega

Hello Ladies!

On behalf of the sisters of Alpha Chi Omega, Beta Psi Chapter, I would like to welcome you to the BEST University in Louisiana! As a senior in Alpha Chi Omega, I have watched many sisters flourish and achieve success by being involved in Greek Life. The endless opportunities that our Panhellenic Community is about to open for you, is without a doubt, the catalyst to a plethora of adventures during your time here at Louisiana Tech. I am so excited to meet you and cannot wait to share this bond with you at the Beta Psi Chapter!

WISDOM. For more than 130 years, Alpha Chi Omega has seen a variety of personalities walk through their doors. Starting with the founding 7 women at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana, our legacies have taken us to new heights. Derived from their appreciation for the Arts, these 7 women have created a snowball effect that has given strength to over 200,000 lifetime members and 190 Chapters across the U.S. This wisdom has trickled down into our very own chapter here at Louisiana Tech, with our sisters encouraging each other to seek leadership roles on campus.

DEVOTION. Of the many things Alpha Chi Omega offers to its lifetime members, the most important are community service, scholastic opportunities, and leadership development. Alpha Chi Omega believes strongly in community service and holds its sisters responsible for serving our community through fundraising. Annually we host Walk-A-Mile in their shoes to support our national philanthropy, Domestic Violence Awareness, and our local shelter, Domestic Abuse Resistance Team (D.A.R.T.). For hundreds of years we have devoted our energy to helping men, women, and children in physically/verbally/mentally abusive relationships.  

ACHIEVEMENT. Alpha Chi Omega is fully committed to serving our sisters in achieving leadership ability, financial responsibility, academic interest, personal growth, and character development. These five qualities are our foundation in order to seek the heights, not only within the classroom but within the Panhellenic Community. Just this past year we had the honor of receiving Greek Week Champions through our hard work and sisterhood. Achievements can be found even in the smallest aspects of our family, but to appreciate every little service rendered is just the beginning of understanding our symphony.

If only I could share with you every ounce of my journey, I would hope that one day you too, could see the beauty even in the common things of life.

Macie Morris
